Rest in peace Inforarea Project: removing ballast to move to independent consultancy
Monday, 27 June 2011 19:21

My time as partner in Inforárea SL ends definitively today. What was already a fact since the beginning of 2011, is now legally finished. I just sold my 50% stake to Elisa Garcia-Morales, who was my partner for over 25 years. From now on Inforarea is a particular project, in which I am not involved on it neither corporate or professionallyCada una por su lado

This end of Inforarea was not originally planned this way, when late last year we decided to disband the team and take our own path.

I have chosen to act as an Independent Consultant specializing in the areas of information, content, records and document management, with the intention of working not only in Spain but also in international projects.

This independence allows me to lead teams with national and international experts  and "former" memebers Inforárea team wich also act independently, and bring their particular expertise in when needed. I am also available to participate in multidisciplinary teams led by others to implement specific projects.

The Inforárea project was a long and fruitful stage of my life, which had its precedent in my first venture (Gabinete de Asesores Documentalistas, SA) some 25 years ago. Acting as an independent consiultant could not be possible without these previous steps. This rapidly changing world in information management has been and is for me an exciting area to develop my work, requiring continuous learning and update.

The need to respond to the new challenges and situations from a broader perspective is the driver to use my knowledge and energy more than ever.

Last Updated on Monday, 27 June 2011 19:39