V Jornadas Técnicas de Archivos en la Administración Local
Friday, 04 May 2012 18:40

The past April 26 and 27 were held in Malaga the Jornadas Técnicas de Archivos en la Administración local (archives in local goverments). ISO 30300 was named on many occasions throughout the day. The theme of the Jormada lent Carlota Bustelo ponenciato: Governance and records management management. The City Council invited me to give the first conference on ISO 30300 as an instrument of transparency and good governance. The sintony of the City of Malaga, with a long tradition in its commitment to the implementation of quality systems, with new proposals and their viability in the local administration was evident with the the presentation from the Director of Quality of the City Council.

But ISO 30300 was appointed on many other occasions during the conference: as a tool for SMEs (Nuria Amérigo) as part of the evolution of document management stansarization (Joachim Llansó), or as a reference for other projects.