Publication: Documents and records management in digital environment
Thursday, 25 October 2012 12:43

AENOR has just published a CD containing a list of UNE-ISO  standards (in Spanish) grouped under the title "Gestión de documentos en el entorno digital". The publication includes 16 standards and an introduction:

The selection includes the first two products of ISO 30300 series of standards Management system for records, published at the end of 2011, which pose for the first time the consideration of records in the methodology of "management systems "initiated with the ISO 9000 series of standards. These normes assume the strategic level of the ISO standards and are complementary with other standards dealing with operational and technical aspects, and also include this CD selection.CD cover document management in the digital environment

The CD also includes the two parts of the ISO 15489,  the fundational standard TC46/SC11 Archives / Records Management. Published internationally in 2001, presents the best practices in records management.

The three parts of the UNE-ISO 23081, they develop in great detail an essential aspect of the management of electronic records divided into General (Part 1), Practical aspects of implementation (part 2) and providing a compliance assessment tool (part 3) . The latter presents a completed worksheet which creates self-assessment reports.

Closely related to the previous one, but developed by the Technical Subcommittee TC 46/SC 4 interoperatibility, -ISO 15836 Information and documentation. Dublin Core metadata elements, having a basic level of descriptive elements applicable to any electronic resource.

The technical report ISO/TR 13028:2011, is keenly concerned with all aspects to consider in implementing digititazion processes for documents originally born in paper.

For the implementation of any management solution is necessary documents and evidence from a thorough analysis of work processes. Technical Report ISO/TR 26122 published in 2008 provides us with the tools and techniques necessary to perform this analysis.

The treatment of electronic documents from the point of view of information technology is represented by the choice of three texts from the TC 171 Document management applications:

ISO/TR 15801 which offer solutions to ensure the reliability of the scanned images.

ISO/TR 18492 Long-term preservation of document-based information, which shows some guidelines for long-term preservation of electronic documents.

UNE-ISO 19005- PDF (A) format

Finally, include the three parts of the -ISO 16175. These standards define the functional requirements of the software used to manage electronic records:  Overview (Part One), software functionality specific to electronic document & records management ayatems(part two) and functionality that should incorporate business systems producing records (Part 3). These standards were drafted and developed entirety by the International Council on Archives, who presented to ISO for adoption.