Two new ISO standards about records management
Friday, 29 November 2013 00:00

In the last two monts of 2013 two new ISO standards about records management has been adopted as Spanish standards (UNE):


  • UNE-ISO 13008:2013 Información y documentación. Proceso de migración y conversión de documentos electrónicos. is the equivalent of ISO 13008:2012. Information and documentation -- Digital records conversion and migration process. This standard is very useful for any professional who has to face a process of conversion or migration of electronic documents. Conversion is defined as the process of cahnege of format which is often necessary to maintain the usability of the records. Migration is defined as the change of system or application, operating system or storage medium , a process that is sure to  face as life of the documents is much larger than the systems that support them. The standard does not give us magic recipes , but helps us making a plan of conversion and / or migration  with the strongest possible guarantees.
  • UNE-ISO/TR 17068:2013 Información y documentación. Repositorio de tercero de confianza para documentos electrónicos. is the equivalent ISO/TR 17068:2012. Information and documentation  - Trusted third party repository for digital records. This standard establishes the requirements to be fulfilled by a third party service that both parties considered the guarantor of the authenticity of the documents . It is an option that is being used in other jurisdictions to exchange documents. This standard is very useful for companies which provide custodial services of electronic documents and their customer